Fun at home for everyone! SLT-MOBITEL broadband offers 7xFun data bundle for your favourite social media, instant messaging and YouTube platforms. With the 7xFun recurrent data bundle, now you can switch to your favourite 7 apps in all 7 days with a 20GB data bundle.
Below platforms are included into the data bundle and you can utilize full platform features within the bundle capacity.
The bundle is valid for 07 days and is renewed automatically.
How to subscribe?
Online through MySLT portal.
From your smartphone through MySLT App which is available for Android and iOS platforms.
Calling 1212 hotline.
How to pay?
You can subscribe to 7xFun add to the monthly bill.
This bundle can be activated only for broadband users who have an active volume-based broadband package. Abhimaana, Entrée and old Plus packages are excluded from this bundle subscription.
Packages entitled to the data bundle are as follows.
- All time-based packages
- All anytime packages
Your data bundle might not be counted due to the following reasons. Considering the below reasons we cannot ensure that the usage added to the data bundle.
- Use of VPN, Proxy, Tunnels and YouTube Downloader which impact to identify data traffic.
- Possible changes, development, and improvements in Content Providers Network or content streams where it will take some time to develop platform signatures.
- Move contents into a different content provider network by the application owners.
- Embed content in some other websites where the headers may change and therefore not possible to classify.
- Use of browsers or programs, which may modify the traffic behaviour.
- These Bundles are not applicable when you are using “sltgo” community Wi-Fi network.
Active subscriptions will be shown under “Add-Ons” tab in MySLT App and MySLT Web Portal. In case of information not shown under “Add-Ons” tab, you may reauthorize login to the application.
Daily usage shown in MySLT App and MySLT Web Portal doesn’t contain this data bundle usage, however, the bundle usage is added to daily detail (protocol) usage reports. The report includes the percentages of all traffic for the day.
Subscribers to the data bundle shall have a positive standard data balance in their monthly quota allocation to stream or browse the contents of the platforms specified in the data bundle at full speed, irrespective of the data remaining on the Procured bundle. This is in view of the fact that some of the platform initiation and continuation services require protocols, which are outside of the designated ones in the data bundle.
You are not allowed to unsubscribe on the same day of the subscription was made.
Subscription for the data bundle is valid for 7 days and renewed automatically until you opt to unsubscribe. You can deactivate the data bundle by login into the MySLT App or MySLT Web Portal.
You will be charged for 7 days even though you opt to unsubscribe from the bundle at any given time within 7 days.
The data bundle will be deleted from the broadband profile as soon as the bundle is unsubscribed and will not remain for the remaining days of the valid period.