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Premaya Nam

Submitted by osandacm on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 22:58

After his wife leaves him, a man with a severe case of OCD who fears that his own urine is contaminating everything around him, admits himself to a mental hospital for treatment to overcome his fear and win his wife back.

Usaviya Nihadayi

Submitted by osandacm on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 22:58

Two women from a farming village about 100 kilometers from the country’s capital were raped within one year by a court judge presiding over cases which involved their husbands as accused parties. They have gone to Judiciary Services Commission, the BAR Association and to the president of the country to seek justice. Those institutions and people were non-responsive to their complaints. Angered husbands of two women swear revenge but their efforts to avenge the judge are futile. An editor of a leading alternative newspaper publishes the story of one of the women.


Submitted by osandacm on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 22:51

Two passionate people with dreams swap places accidentally by fate and their common key to get back their lost life is to defeat the antagonist through the girl whom he wants dead since she can foresee the future. 

Milton Perera

Submitted by osandacm on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 19:32

 Pem Apsarawo,
 Soba Alankare,
 Madu Sadin,
 Maha Gana Wananthare,
 Sura Loke,
 Sihina Dewduwe,
 Sadun Gasaka Athi,
 Supem Lowe Kusum Sara,
 Pena Bubulaki,
 Supun Sandak,
 Raththarane Dinuwa Aadare,
 Punchi Punchi Tharaka,,
 Kiyanna Kawda,
 Loketa Lokka,
 Aiya Malli Wage.

H. R. Jothipala

Submitted by osandacm on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 19:30

 Mahada namati,
 Siriyame sara,
 Sonduru gammane,
 As deka wage,
 Panawage hiti,
 Sandawe man,
 Robin hood,
 Dolos mahe,
 Ananda sagare,
 Goyam pasi,
 Pem watunta sarane,
 Viraha geeyak,
 Sanda modu wela,
 Mage jeewitaye,
 Mam gannemi,
 Paya ai hinahenne.