Submitted by isuruhw on Wed, 10/23/2024 - 09:33 Title Mr. Mahinda Samarasinha Person title Mr. Profile picture Designation Chief Network Officer Profile Mr Mahinda Samarasinha is the Chief Network Officer of SLTMobitel Group and counts over 32 years of experience in numerous areas in the field of telecommunication. Immediately after graduation, he joined SLT in 1992 as a Network Planning Engineer and gained experience in the areas of transmission and switching planning. Subsequently, he held several senior positions in Tariff, Interconnection, Domestic Wholesale Business, Global Business and Product Management before being appointed as Chief Network Officer. Mr Samarasinha, pioneered and was instrumental in shaping the wholesale business in Sri Lanka Telecom. He broke new ground by introducing a separate Global Brand “Xyntac” in line with the Go-Global Strategy of SLT. Under his leadership, SLT was able to establish its MPLS network presence in Singapore, France, and the USA. He was a core member who was involved in converting Mobitel network from its legacy Analog system to Digital GSM system in 2003-2004. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Engineering) Honours degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and is a Chartered Engineer at The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. Display group Senior Management View Order 9