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Financial Reports

Cash Flow Statement

(All amounts in Sri Lanka rupees million)

For the year ended 31 December Notes Group Company
    2019 2018 2019 2018
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 29 29,307 24,052 15,476 14,903
Interest received 1,305 687 756 445
Interest paid (8,321) (3,145) (5,721) (3,190)
Tax paid (1,334) (1,284) (239) (257)
Gratuity paid 26 (547) (654) (461) (561)
Net cash generated from operating activities 20,410 19,656 9,811 11,340
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (27,966) (20,527) (13,526) (12,817)
Acquisition of intangible assets 15 (1,097) (889) (367) (312)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 249 332 204 306
Proceeds/(Purchase) of short-term investments 536 (1,806) 477 (1,774)
Investments in subsidiary companies 16.1 (455) (160)
Net cash (used) in investing activities (28,278) (22,890) (13,667) (14,757)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings 47,475 32,142 46,350 23,050
Finance lease principal repayments (29) (77) (2) (68)
Cash payments for the principal portion of the lease liability (1,541) (483)
Repayment of borrowings (39,035) (13,550) (37,749) (11,316)
Dividends paid to the equity shareholders (1,913) (1,606) (1,913) (1,606)
Net cash generated from financing activities 4,957 16,909 6,203 10,060
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,911) 13,675 2,347 6,643
Movement in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 4,629 (9,046) (4,967) (11,610)
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,911) 13,675 2,347 6,643
At the end of the year 21. (a) 1,718 4,629 (2,620) (4,967)

The Notes on pages 123 to 182 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.
