
Financial Reports

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

(All amounts in Sri Lanka rupees million)

Group Company
For the year ended 31 December Notes 2017 2016 2017 2016
Revenue 6 75,741 73,801 44,537 43,131
Operating costs 7 (54,536) (53,675) (33,158) (33,228)
Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation 21,205 20,126 11,379 9,903
Depreciation 13 (16,461) (13,776) (10,926) (8,509)
Amortisation of intangible assets 14 (826) (624) (195) (227)
Operating profit 3,918 5,726 258 1,167
Other income 1,207 988 1,059 874
Dividend income 733 749
Interest expense and finance costs 9 (159) (250) (12) (25)
Foreign exchange (loss)/gain 9.a (478) (979) (471) (570)
Interest income 10 1,040 1,012 562 448
Profit before tax 5,528 6,497 2,129 2,643
Income tax expenses 11 (1,588) (1,707) (701) (918)
Profit for the year 3,940 4,790 1,428 1,725
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit and loss in subsequent periods (net of tax)
Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods
Defined benefit plan actuarial (losses)/gain 26 543 233 553 249
Tax on other comprehensive income 23 (155) (70) (155) (70)
Other comprehensive income for the year not to be reclassified to profit and loss in subsequent periods (net of tax) 388 163 398 179
Total comprehensive income for the year 4,328 4,953 1,826 1,904
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company 3,940 4,790 1,428 1,725
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the Company 4,328 4,953 1,826 1,904
Earnings per share
– Basic (Rs.) 12 2.18 2.65 0.79 0.96

The Notes on pages 131 to 180 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.