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Financial reports

Statement of profit or loss and Other comprehensive income

(All amounts in Sri Lanka rupees million)

For the year ended 31 December Notes Group Company
  2020 2019 2020 2019
Revenue 6 91,119 85,948 51,552 50,007
Direct costs 7 (50,285) (48,223) (29,011) (28,711)
Gross profit 40,834 37,725 22,541 21,296
Sales and marketing costs 7 (10,209) (9,472) (4,720) (3,553)
Administrative costs 7 (18,993) (19,714) (14,319) (14,393)
Operating profit 11,632 8,539 3,502 3,350
Other income 880 845 1,261 1,166
Dividend income 1,001 449
Interest expense and finance costs 9 (2,902) (2,067) (1,391) (690)
Foreign exchange loss 9.a (1,203) (443) (727) (314)
Interest income 10 1,232 1,288 819 739
Share of profit from associate company 16.2 74 54 74 54
Profit before tax 9,713 8,216 4,539 4,754
Income tax expenses 11 (1,832) (1,894) (520) (974)

Profit for the year

7,881 6,322 4,019 3,780
Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified
to profit or loss in subsequent period
Net movement on cash flow hedges 12 501 201 471 201
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period
Defined benefit plan actuarial losses 26 (473) (214) (426) (49)
Tax on other comprehensive income 11 114 49 119 14
Other comprehensive income for the year net of tax 142 36 164 166

Total comprehensive income for the year

8,023 6,358 4,183 3,946
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company 7,877 6,320 4,019 3,780
Non-controlling interest 4 2
7,881 6,322 4,019 3,780
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the Company 8,019 6,356 4,183 3,946
Non-controlling interest 4 2
8,023 6,358 4,183 3,946
Earnings per share
– Basic (LKR) 13 4.37 3.50 2.23 2.09

The Notes on pages 150 to 212 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.
