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Financial reports

Statement of financial position

(All amounts in Sri Lanka rupees million)

As at 31 December Notes Group Company
    2020 2019 2020 2019
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 14 137,208 140,632 100,269 103,800
Right-of-use asset 14 (a) 8,750 10,372 78 513
Intangible assets 15 8,115 7,416 2,656 1,151
Investments in subsidiaries 16.1 14,821 14,821
Investments in associates 16.2 128 54 128 54
Deferred tax assets 23 185 223
Contract assets 24 (a) 560 707 155 148
Other receivables 18 2,748 2,897 2,732 2,868

Total non-current assets

157,694 162,301 120,839 123,355
Current assets
Inventories 19 3,367 3,565 2,634 2,768
Trade and other receivables 20 27,070 33,021 17,932 20,865
Current tax receivable 15 852 852
Contract assets 24 (a) 778 711 97 87
Other investments 17 3,666 3,112 3,646 3,082
Cash and cash equivalents 21 11,866 5,457 1,041 645
Total current assets 46,762 46,718 25,350 28,299

Total assets

204,456 209,019 146,189 151,654
Capital and reserves
Stated capital 28 18,049 18,049 18,049 18,049
Insurance reserve 27 1,044 917 1,044 917
Hedging reserve 12 30 (471) (471)
Retained earnings 65,056 59,574 43,350 41,678
Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 84,179 78,069 62,443 60,173
Non-controlling interest 102 98

Total equity

84,281 78,167 62,443 60,173
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 22 45,684 49,178 40,860 42,820
Lease liability 14 (a) 7,377 8,238 27 50
Contract liabilities 24 (b) 660 538 660 533
Deferred income 24 1,832 2,076 1,832 2,057
Deferred tax liabilities 23 7,346 7,499 6,936 7,485
Employee benefits 26 5,204 4,697 4,358 3,806
Trade and other payables 25 5,371 1,677 3,955 346
Total non-current liabilities 73,474 73,903 58,628 57,097
Current liabilities
Borrowings 22 9,690 12,498 7,132 9,650
Lease liability 14 (a) 2,281 2,511 58 494
Contract liabilities 24 (b) 742 592 484 444
Deferred income 24 2,812 2,859 240 290
Current tax liabilities 560 308 73
Deferred tax liabilities 23 11
Trade and other payables 25 30,605 38,181 17,131 23,506
Total current liabilities 46,701 56,949 25,118 34,384

Total liabilities

120,175 130,852 83,746 91,481

Total equity and liabilities

204,456 209,019 146,189 151,654

The Notes on pages 150 to 212 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

I certify that these Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.


Sanjeewa Samaranayake
Group Chief Financial Officer

The Board of Directors is responsible for these Financial Statements. These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 9 March 2021.

Signed for and behalf of the Board,


Rohan Fernando


Lalith Seneviratne

9 March 2021
