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Accelerating digital transformation

Stakeholder engagement and materiality


The individuals and organisations that are impacted by SLT’s activities, products, and services or which can have an impact on how SLT implements its strategies and achieves its objectives constitute our stakeholders.

SLT’s key stakeholders include its shareholders, customers, business partners, employees, Government authorities, industry regulators, media and advocacy groups, and the communities and environment the Company operates in. SLT strives to understand its stakeholders better through various means of engagement and accordingly optimises its strategies, products, and services to deliver mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties.

Our primary stakeholders

Identification and engagement

The operations of the SLT Group impact the lives of all Sri Lankans. The varying interests and priorities amongst various stakeholder groups can sometimes conflict with each other; therefore, the identification and prioritisation of SLT’s stakeholders is essential to understanding and meeting short-term needs and long-term expectations. A balance has sometimes to be struck when addressing the two.

SLT approaches stakeholder mapping systematically, after analysing the operating environment, identifying opportunities and threats as well as the ideal strategies for leveraging opportunities and mitigating threats within the environment. This shapes the engagement processes that SLT pursues with its stakeholders and has led to the establishment of various engagement platforms. The specific channels of engagement are decided on after a careful analysis of what is likely to be most effective for each stakeholder.

Through these platforms, SLT seeks to understand the views of its stakeholders and communicate with them, addressing any concerns that they may have.

Stakeholder Material issues Engagement Frequency of engagement Key initiatives for the year


Share price


Industry growth

Quarterly results Quarterly AGM and rating reviews to rating agencies
Annual report Annually
Annual General Meetings Annually
CSE disclosures Need-based
Media releases Regular basis
Rating reviews Annually
Improve customer relationship and retention Impact of pandemic on demand volume and patterns One-to-one interactions Regular basis IVR Self-care portal, SLT Broadband portal and SLT Broadband app Digital marketing campaigns
Contact centre Regular basis
IVR Self-care Portal Regular basis
SLT Broadband Portal Regular basis
SLT Broadband App Regular basis
Engage and interact through the website and social media Regular basis
Mailers Monthly basis through the bill
Newsletters Need-based
Brochures Need-based
Customer satisfaction survey Quarterly and
Improve SME customer relationship and retention Impact of pandemic on demand volume and patterns Proposals by regional sales staff Regular basis
SME customer forums Quarterly/
Regular basis
Customer visits and meetings Regular basis
Product awareness programmes Monthly
ICT workshops for SME Quarterly
Business owners and IT managers Quarterly
Market surveys Regularly
Newsletters Regularly
IVR Self-care Portal Regularly
SLT Broadband Portal Regularly
SLT Broadband App Regularly
Improve enterprise customer relationship and retention Proposals by sales staff Regular basis
Enterprise customer forums Annually
Customer visits and meetings Regular basis
Newsletters Need-based
Business partners
Better return, innovation and industry growth Partner meetings Need-based Virtual meetings e-tenders e-auctions
Projects and events Need-based
Post evaluation reviews Projects-based
Dealers looking for strengthening brand presence and improving sales Impact of pandemic Dealer meetings Monthly
Dealer satisfaction surveys Quarterly
Dealer review Biannually
Dealer awareness sessions Monthly
Dealer reward programmes Annually
Suppliers looking for better return, innovation and industry growth Procurement policy and vendor selection process Need-based
Vendor satisfaction surveys Annually
Vendor review and awareness sessions Annually
Vendor reward programmes Annually
Quality improvements Regular basis
Employee welfare, satisfaction, retention, training and development Employee satisfaction survey Quarterly Virtual staff meetings Virtual training programmes Whatsapp groups Viber groups Info emails Intranet updates
Group meetings and one-to-one meetings Regular basis
Information sharing through intranet, social networks Throughout the year
Employee affinity Need-based
Grievance handling Need-based
Transfer handling Annually
E-mails Regular basis
Notice boards Regular basis
Cultural and religious associations Annually
Award ceremonies Annually
Involvement in community projects Need-based
Government and regulatory authorities
Investment and infrastructure development, better return, innovation and industry growth, compliances and digital services for Smart Sri Lanka services Meetings with Treasury, TRCSL, BOI, Customs and other regulatory bodies Need-based Monthly meetings with the regulator forums
Annual report and quarterly reports Annually and quarterly
Strategy and operational presentations Need-based
Media releases Regular basis
Community (society and the environment
at large)
Community investment and infrastructure development Community projects Regular basis Community-centered CSR projects PPE donations COVID-19 awareness digital campaigns
Media releases Regular basis
Website Regular basis
Social media Regular basis
Events and activations Need-based

External initiatives

SLT is a member of several associations. Members of SLT’s staff actively participate in the activities of these associations.


  • National Broadband Committee
  • National Chamber of Commerce
  • Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
  • Sri Lanka Association for quality
    and productivity
  • Next Generation Network Committee
  • Government initiative of free Wi-Fi programme
  • Online secondary school education (SchoolNet) programme
  • Online university education programme (LEARN) programme
  • eGovernment programme
  • Sri Lanka Internet Society


  • SEA-ME-WE connectivity consortium
  • IPv6 Execution Committee
  • Global Internet Exchange Network
  • International PoP Community
  • Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO)
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • Fibre-to-the-Home Community
  • Carrier Ethernet Forum
  • Carrier Grade Wi-Fi Forum
  • International Internet Society


SLT’s business model focuses on aspects that are material to the telecom business (SLT Group) and its stakeholders. “Materiality” is judged by the relevance and significance of an aspect. This is determined by a compounding of probability of occurrence of an aspect and the magnitude of its impact. The results are shown in a two-dimensional materiality matrix.

The identification of these aspects is facilitated through effective engagement with SLT’s stakeholders. These aspects are listed below along with their importance to the business and its stakeholders.

No. Topic Importance
to SLT
to Stakeholder
1 Economic performance Very high Very high
2 Indirect economic impacts Very high Very high
3 Procurement practices High High
4 Anti-corruption High High
5 Anti-competitive behaviour High High
6 Energy High High
7 Biodiversity Medium High
8 Emissions High High
9 Effluents and waste High High
10 Environmental compliance High High
11 Employment Very high Very high
12 Occupational health and safety High High
13 Training and education Very high Very high
14 Diversity and equal opportunity Very high Very high
15 Freedom of association and collective bargaining High High
16 Local communities High Medium
17 Marketing and labelling High Medium
18 Customer privacy Very high Very high
19 Socioeconomic compliance High High
20 Impact of “new normal” after serious phase
of pandemic is over
High High
21 Impact of pandemic on customer
purchasing power
Very high High
22 Impact of pandemic, including distanced working, on communication patterns and frequency High High
23 Impact of widespread availability and adoption of vaccine High High
24 Impact of pandemic on business partners High High
25 Impact of pandemic on staff morale and productivity Very high Very high
26 Special health and safety precautions due to pandemic High Medium
27 Impact of pandemic on training and education High High

Materiality matrix


