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Financial Reports

  Annual Report of the Board of directors for the year    ended 31 december 2008
  Statement of the Directors’ Responsibility for the    preparation of Financial Statements
  Audit Committee Report
  Independent Auditors' Report
  Income Statement
  Balance Sheet
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
  Cash Flow Statement
  Notes to the consolidated Financial Statements
  Ten Year Progress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


35. Related party transactions

The Company had the following transactions with related entities during the year under review:
(a) Mobitel (Pvt) Limited

Sale of goods and services:
  2008 2007
Provision of E1 links 496 332
Interconnection charges 168 234
VOIP Platform 8 9
  672 575
Purchase of goods and services:    
Call charges relating to cellular phones purchased by the Company employees 51 44
Interconnection charges 253 167
Antenna tower space 223 159
  527 370
Preference dividend received 349 -
Number of new GSM connections granted (special packages with no monthly rental) in 2008 is 582 (2007 - 1,754). The Company has provided the following guarantees on behalf of Mobitel (Pvt) Limited:

(i) Loans amounting to Rs. 8,710 million (2007 - Rs. 10,225 million) and USD 48.1 million
(2007 - USD 4.8 million) for GSM rollout stage 1, 3 and 4.

(ii) A commitment guarantee amounting to Rs. 250 million (2007 - Rs. 250 million) issued by banks in favour of TRC for the purpose of 3G rollout.

(b) NTT Communications Corporation

As per the shareholders’ agreement with NTT Com, the following charges have been borne by the Company. The shareholder agreement expired on 1 April 2008 (the date of sale of shares held by NTT) and was not renewed.
  2008 2007
Purchase of goods and services:    
Fees for secondment of personnel from NTT Com 11 43
Expenditure for personnel from NTT Com 4 11
  15 54
(c) SLT Hong Kong Limited
  2008 2007
Sale of goods and services:    
Leased circuits 40 4
Purchase of goods and services:    
Leased circuits 62 5

(d) Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited
  2008 2007
Purchase of goods and services:    
Supply of services to SLT 1 -
(e) Fees for secondment of personnel and services provided from/by SLT PLC
  2008 2007
SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited 8 -
SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited 4 -
SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited 13 -
Sky Network (Pvt) Limited 6 -
  31 -
(f) Maxis Communications Berhad and its subsidiaries
  2008 2007
Sale of goods and services:    
Sale of SEA-ME-WE 3 Cables capacity 61 -
International settlements (in-payments) 144 -
  205 -
Purchase of goods and services:    
International settlements (out-payments) 14 -
(g) Outstanding balances arising from sale/purchase of services
  2008 2007
Receivable from subsidiaries:    
Mobitel (Pvt) Limited 2,255 1,646
SLT Hong Kong Limited 2 4
SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited 19 -
SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited 4 -
SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited 13 -
Sky Network (Pvt) Limited 6 -
  2,299 1,650
Payable to subsidiaries:    
Mobitel (Pvt) Limited 777 350
Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited - 2
SLT Hong Kong Limited 2 5
SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited 50 -
  829 357
Receivable from related companies
  2008 2007
Maxis Communications Berhad and its subsidiaries 139 -
(h) Key management compensation
  Group Company
  2008 2007 2008 2007
Salaries and other benefits 91 70 54 52
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions. A related party transaction takes place with a transfer of resources or obligations between related parties, regardless of whether a price is charged.

All transactions during the year and balances as at the balance sheet date between the following companies have been eliminated in preparing the Consolidated financial statements.
Mobitel (Pvt) Limited

Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited
SLT Hong Kong Limited
SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited
SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited
SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited
Sky Network (Pvt) Limited

Related party transactions disclosed above should be read in conjunction with Notes 17 and 36 to the financial statements.
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