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Financial Reports

  Annual Report of the Board of directors for the year    ended 31 december 2008
  Statement of the Directors’ Responsibility for the    preparation of Financial Statements
  Audit Committee Report
  Independent Auditors' Report
  Income Statement
  Balance Sheet
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
  Cash Flow Statement
  Notes to the consolidated Financial Statements
  Ten Year Progress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


25. Trade and other Payables
Group Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
Amounts due within one year
Domestic trade payables 1,647 1,321 312 85
Foreign trade payables 203 157 203 157
Amount due to subsidiaries [Note 35 (g)] - - 829 357
Capital expenditure payables [See Note (a) below] 4,220 2,327 1,273 1,083
Social security and other taxes [See Note (b) below] 268 361 268 361
Interest payable 133 138 133 138
Other payables [See Note (c) below] 6,692 6,870 5,754 6,356
13,163 11,174 8,772 8,537
Amounts due after one year        
International Direct Dialling deposits 235 235 235 235
Prepayments on VOIP services 11 44 11 44
PSTN guarantee deposits 43 - 43 -
289 279 289 279
(a) Capital expenditure payable of the Company mainly consists of contractors’ payable of Rs. 534 million (2007 - Rs. 297 million) and advances on network restoration after road works of Rs. 519 million (2007 - Rs. 577 million). Capital expenditure payables of the Group mainly consist of contractors’ payable of Rs. 3,480 million (2007 - Rs. 2,487 million) and advances on network restoration after road works of Rs. 519 million (2007 - Rs. 577 million).

(b) Social security and other taxes of the Group and the Company mainly consist of Value Added Tax
Rs. 24 million (2007 - Rs. 223 million), EPF payable of Rs. 80 million ( 2007- Rs. 53 million) PAYE payable of Rs. 90 million (2007 - Rs. 42 million) and Cellular Mobile Subscriber Levy payable of
Rs. 34 million (2007 - Rs. Nil).

(c) Other payables of the Company mainly consist of dividend payable to the Government of Sri Lanka of Rs. 244 million (2007 - Rs. 244 million), provision for Goods Received Notes (GRNs) of Rs. 480 million (2007 - Rs. 105 million), International Telecommunication Operators’ Levy payable of Rs. 3,583 million (2007 - Rs. 5,009 million), CESS payable to Director-General of Telecommunication of Rs. 217 million (2007 - Rs. 152 million) and accrued expenses and other payable of Rs. 868 million (2007 - Rs. 692 million). Other payables of the Group mainly consist of dividend payable to the Government of Sri Lanka of Rs. 244 million (2007 - Rs. 244 million), provision for Goods Received Notes (GRNs) of Rs. 480 million (2007 - Rs. 105 million), International Telecommunication Operators’ Levy payable of Rs. 3,583 million (2007 - Rs. 5,009 million), CESS payable to Director-General of Telecommunication of Rs. 217 million (2007 - Rs. 152 million) and accrued expenses and other payable of Rs. 1,565 million (2007 - Rs. 1,175 million).

(d) Other payables of the Company and the Group also include a provision for the legal claims potentially payable of Rs. 163 million under ICC Arbitration application No. 13839/M against the Company by Informatics (Pvt) Limited claiming USD 1,143,630 being the licence upgrade cost and an annual maintenance fee of 15% of the licence fee for the TBR system to the SLT PLC by Informatics, and a provision for overtime payment of Rs. 175 million under Court of Appeal CA No. 883/2003 increasing the overtime rate from 1.5% to 1.75% and granting of lieu leave with regard to an application made by the Telecommunications Employees Union with effect from 1 January 2002. These provisions are recognised in income statement within ‘operating costs’. The balance at 31 December 2008 is expected to be utilised in the first half of 2009.

26. Retirement Benefit Obligations
Movement in the liability recognised in the balance sheet is as follows:
  Group Company
  2008 2007 2008 2007
At the beginning of the year 1,329 942 1,272 903
Current service cost 90 247 81 226
Interest cost 133 90 127 90
Provision made for gratuity payable to
VRS employees
- 30 - 30
Actuarial (gains)/losses (222) (89) (224) 89
Benefits paid (113) (69) (112) (66)
At the end of the year 1,217 1,329 1,144 1,272

The amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows:
  Group Company
  2008 2007 2008 2007
Current service cost 90 247 81 226
Interest cost 133 90 127 90
Actuarial (gains)/losses (222) 89 (224) 89
  1 426 (16) 405
(a) As stated in Accounting Policy 2.19 (b) as at 31 December 2008, an actuarial valuation was carried out by an independent actuary.
The principal actuarial assumptions used were as follows:
  Group Company
  2008 2007 2008 2007
Discount rate (long-term) 12% 10% 12% 10%
Future salary increases 9%-15% 9% 9% 9%
Inflation rate (long-term) 10% 10% 10% 10%
In addition to above, demographic assumptions such as mortality, withdrawal, retirement age were considered for the actuarial valuation. In 2008, 1967/70 Mortality Table issued by the Institute of Actuaries London (2007 - 1967/70 Mortality Table) was taken as the base for the valuation.

The provision for defined obligations is actuarially valued by Messrs Actuarial and Management Consultants (Pvt) Limited. The provision for defined benefit obligations is not externally funded.

27. Insurance reserve
  2008 2007
At the beginning of the year 204 183
Income statement charge and interest income on sinking fund deposit 32 21
At the end of the year 236 204
As stated in Accounting Policy 2.14, the Company transfers annually from the income statement an amount equal to 0.1% of additions to property, plant and equipment to an insurance reserve. An equal
amount is invested in a sinking fund to meet any funding requirements for potential losses from uninsured property, plant & equipment.

28. Group Reporting dates

The annual financial statements of the subsidiaries, Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited, SLT Hong Kong Limited, SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited and Mobitel (Pvt) Limited, SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited, SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited and Sky Network (Pvt) Limited are prepared at 31 December each year.

29. Stated Capital
  2008 2007
Issued and fully paid    
1,804,860,000 ordinary shares issued at Rs. 10 per share 18,049 18,049
The issued and fully paid share capital is made up as follows:
  2008 2007
  Holding % No. of Shares Holding % No. of Shares
Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) 49.50 893,405,709 49.50 893,405,709
Global Telecommunications Holdings N.V. 44.98 811,757,869 - -
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) - - 35.20 635,076,318
Public Shareholders 5.52 99,696,422 15.30 276,377,973
  100.00 1,804,860,000 100.00 1,804,860,000
30. Hedging Reserve
  2008 2007
At the beginning of the year (58) (236)
- Foreign currency translation difference (4) (17)
- Income statement charge (Note 10) 30 195
At the end of the year (32) (58)
In terms of the risk management objectives, the Company hedged certain foreign currency borrowings against its foreign currency revenue streams. The future transactions are forecasted for a period of five years. The gains/(losses) from revaluation of these foreign currency loans are deferred to be matched against the gains/(losses) from the future revenue streams.
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