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Financial Reports

  Annual Report of the Board of directors for the year    ended 31 december 2008
  Statement of the Directors’ Responsibility for the    preparation of Financial Statements
  Audit Committee Report
  Independent Auditors' Report
  Income Statement
  Balance Sheet
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
  Cash Flow Statement
  Notes to the consolidated Financial Statements
  Ten Year Progress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


17. Investments in subsidiaries
2008 2007
Unlisted shares
Opening net book amount 7,782 7,032
Additions 2,390 750
Closing net book amount 10,172 7,782
Advance against investments
SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited [See Note (d) below] 30
Details of the subsidiary companies in which the Company had control as at 31 December are set out below: 2008 2007
Name of company Investment
Rs. million
holding %
Rs. million
holding %
Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited
[See Note (a) below]
25 100 25 100
Mobitel (Pvt) Limited [See Note (b) below] 9,822 100 7,722 100
SLT Hong Kong Limited [See Note (c) below] 36 100 35 100
SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited [See Note (d) below] 20 100
SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited
[See Note (e) below]
1 100
SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited [See Note (f) below] 100 100
Sky Network (Pvt) Limited [See Note (g) below] 68 75
   10,172    7,782  
(a) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 2,500,000 shares representing a 100% holding of the issued stated capital of Sri Lanka Telecom (Services) Limited.

(b) The Company owns 119,238,240 shares representing 100% of the issued ordinary share capital of Mobitel (Pvt) Limited. At 31 December 2007, the Company held 575,000,000 12% cumulative and redeemable preference shares of Mobitel (Pvt) Limited with a value of Rs. 10 per share. Additions during 2008 comprise the capital infusion of Rs. 1 billion in 12% cumulative and redeemable preference shares and Rs. 1.1 billion in 14% cumulative and redeemable preference shares of Mobitel (Pvt) Limited. The preference dividend ranks above ordinary dividends. At 31 December 2008, preference dividends amounting to Rs. 1,318 million were in arrears (31 December 2007: Rs. 956 million). No accrual has been made in the Company’s financial statements.

(c) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 2,500,000 shares representing a 100% holding of the issued stated capital of SLT Hong Kong Limited.

(d) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 2,000,000 shares representing a 100% holding of the issued stated capital of SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited. Advance against investments wholly consists of Rs. 30 million paid by the Company to acquire the ordinary shares of SLT Publications (Pvt) Limited and shares are yet to be issued to the Company.

(e) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 50,000 shares representing a 100% holding of the issued stated capital of SLT Manpower Solutions (Pvt) Limited.

(f) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 10,000,000 shares representing a 100% holding of the issued stated capital of SLT VisionCom (Pvt) Limited.

(g) This investment in subsidiary company consists of 71,251 shares representing a 75% holding of the issued stated capital and 6 million 12% cumulative and redeemable preference shares of Sky Network (Pvt) Limited. All the subsidiaries except for Mobitel (Pvt) Limited and SLT Hong Kong Limited are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

18. Non-Current Receivables
  Group Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
Employee loans [See Note (a) below] 1,572 1,268 1,572 1,268
(a) Employee loans are repayable in equal monthly instalments over the loan period not exceeding six years. The amount shown as a non-current receivable represents staff loan instalments falling due after 1 January 2010.

(b) The weighted average interest rates on staff loans are between 3% and 7% (2007 - 3% and 7%).

19. Inventories

Inventories consist of engineering stores, consumables, office stationery and hardware and are stated net of provisions for slow-moving and obsolete items.

20. trade and other Receivables  
Group Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
Domestic trade receivables 13.562 13,081 11,507 10,541
CDMA instalment debtors 340 340
Foreign trade receivables 2,958 2,991 2,958 2,991
16,520 16,412 14,465 13,872
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful receivables (7,552) (7,712) (6,957) (6,135)
Less: Interest/revenue in suspense (19) (104)
Trade receivables - net 8,949 8,596 7,508 7,737
Amount due from subsidiaries [Note 35 (g)] 2,299 1,650
Amount due from related companies [Note 35 (g)] 139 139
Advances and prepayments [See Note (a) below] 592 212 98 144
Employee loans 376 324 376 324
Other receivables [See Note (b) below] 1,004 806 359 209
Amounts due within one year 11,060 9,938 10,779 10,064
(a) Advances and prepayments of the Company mainly consist of advances on purchases of Rs. 56 million (2007 - Rs. 89 million) and payments for software maintenance of Rs. 30 million (2007 - Rs. 37 million). Advances and prepayments of the Group mainly consist of advances on purchases of Rs. 549 million (2007 - Rs. 150 million) and payments for software maintenance of Rs. 30 million (2007 - Rs. 37 million).

(b) Other receivables of the Company mainly consist of interest receivable of Rs. 280 million (2007 - Rs. 165 million), refundable deposits of Rs. 77 million (2007 - Rs. 42 million) and dishonoured cheques of Rs. 2 million (2007 - Rs. 2 million). Other receivables of the Group mainly consist of interest receivable of Rs. 281 million (2007 - Rs. 165 million), refundable deposits of Rs. 138 million (2007 - Rs. 82 million), dishonoured cheques of Rs 2 million (2007 - Rs. 7 million) and VAT receivable of Rs 362 million (2007 - Rs. 428 million).  
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