Sri Lanka Telecom Annual Report 2004  
Sri Lanka Telecom - Focussed on Goals Beyond
Vision and Mission
Chairman's Message
Board of Directors
CEO's Message
Business Review
Social Impact Report
Management Discussion and Analysis
Financial Reports
  Management Discussion and Analysis - Financial Review
From a financial point of view 2004 was a year with mixed results for SLT. The shares of SLT continued to be the most liquid share in the Colombo Stock Exchange.

SLT went into record a landmark transaction by issuing USD 100 million notes in the international market to become the first Sri Lankan company to do so. In the process SLT became the first Sri Lankan company to be rated internationally.

The revised domestic tariff structure, introduced in September 2003, resulting from the fifth tariff rebalancing exercise continued throughout the year. Despite the resulting top line growth the Group ended up with a declined profit during the year compared to 2003.

The effects of liberalisation continued with the margins narrowing particularly in relation to the international call revenues.

During the year Mobitel, our fully owned subsidiary and mobile arm, layed the foundation for future growth. Negative operational result of Mobitel during this initial stage has affected the total results of the Group.

Introduction of International Telecommunication Levy and comparatively a larger proportion of doubtful debts were the other major contributors to the reduction in profitability compared to 2003.

The ‘Tsunami’ effect towards the end of the year caused further negative impact on the results of the Group.

Group revenues in 2004 increased by 15% from 2003. This was mainly due to 21% increase in local revenues resulting from the tariff revision introduced in September 2003. Local revenue, which mainly consist of rental and call charges, accounted for 67% of total revenue.

IDD revenues, which were drastically reduced in 2003, recovered during the year. Compared to 2003 there was a 33% increase largely due to increased volumes. IDD revenues represented 8% of the total revenue in 2004.

Revenue from data transmission and IP services also increased by 36%.

International settlements were however almost static during the year. The increase in traffic volumes was offset by the reduction in settlement rates.

The contribution of revenue to the Group by Mobitel during the year after eliminating inter-company transactions was Rs. 2.8 billion. This represents 10% of the total Group revenue and is a 150% increase compared to Rs. 1.1 billion in 2003.

Operating Costs and Depreciation
The operating costs of the Group were Rs. 14.1 billion compared to Rs. 10.9 billion in the previous year which is a 29% increase.

Operating costs of Mobitel increased from Rs. 877 million in 2003 to Rs. 2.8 billion in 2004. This increase has been mainly due to increase in marketing related costs and provisioning of doubtful debts. Depreciation of Mobitel also increased from Rs. 253 million in 2003 to Rs. 921 million due to accelerated amortisation of old network and additional depreciation resulting from recent heavy capital expenditure on GSM roll out.

Operating costs of SLT increased from Rs. 10 billion in 2003 to Rs. 11.3 billion in 2004. This was largely due to increase in repair and maintenance costs and provisioning of doubtful debts. Apart from them almost all other costs have been maintained at levels as same as the previous year. The cost consciousness and improved productivity of SLT employees in day-to-day operations have contributed to control the costs. The employees have been rewarded with enhanced benefits derived from the savings accrued from the Voluntary Retirement Scheme introduced in 2003.

Depreciation of SLT increased only marginally in line with the incremental capital expenditure.

Finance Costs
Group interest costs were reduced by 12% from Rs. 2.9 billion in 2003 to Rs. 2.5 billion in 2004. Eventhough interest costs of Mobitel increased due to the borrowings in respect of GSM roll out, that was overshadowed by the reduced interest costs of SLT resulting in an overall decrease.

Interest costs of SLT decreased to Rs. 2 billion from Rs. 2.8 billion in the previous year largely due to repayment of loans.

Cash Flow Hedge
Transfer to hedge reserve in 2004 was Rs. 408 million compared to Rs. 208 million in the previous year. The increase was mainly due to depreciation of Sri Lanka Rupee against the United States Dollar and other foreign currencies during the year.

Rs. 476 million was charged back to income statement as realised exchange losses. The figure in the previous year was Rs. 609 million. The reduction of this amount is due to the comparative reduction in the amount of foreign currency denominated loans settled during the year. As a result the hedge reserve decreased by Rs. 68 million during the year.

International Telecommunication Levy

During the latter part of the year Finance Act No. 11 of 2004 was enacted by the Parliament. A Levy was imposed thereby on International Telecommunication Operators with retrospective effect dating back to 3 March 2003. Accordingly, the Group had to recognise an expense of Rs. 2.5 billion out of which Rs. 1.1 billion is in respect of 2003. On account of rural telephony roll out 2/3 of the levy payable is likely to be refunded to the operators. However, regulations with regard to this refund are yet to be formulated by the Telecom Regulator and according to the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards such refund has not been accounted for.

The brought forward tax losses and Investment Tax Allowances of SLT have been fully utilised and as such the Company is liable to pay tax on account of 2004. After utilisation of the tax losses and Investment tax allowances to partly offset the taxable profits, the tax liability is Rs. 798 million. After deducting Advanced Company Taxes and Economic Service Charges amounting to Rs. 501 million already paid a further Rs. 297 million has to be paid in 2005.

Along with deferred tax effects and a change of estimation made in the previous year the net tax charge in the income statement in 2004 is Rs. 148 million.

Return on Assets for 2004 was 4.6% compared to 7.8% in 2003. Operating margins dropped as explained in the introduction while Asset turnover saw a marginal increase compared to 2003.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and provisions for International Telecommunication Levy and Tsunami damages (EBITDA) of the Group were Rs. 15.5 billion. This is 5% higher than the previous year mainly due to the increase in revenue resulting from tariff revision in 2003. With increased depreciation compared to the previous year earnings before interest and tax before deducting International Telecommunication Levy and Tsunami damages is Rs. 6.4 billion which is almost as same as the previous year.

However, a large proportion of this profit has been eliminated due to provisions amounting to Rs. 2.8 billion in respect of International Telecommunication Levy and Tsunami damages. After recognising finance costs and other income the final earnings before tax was Rs. 1.4 billion which is Rs. 1.8 billion less than the previous year.

Capital Structure
SLT during the year successfully completed an international bond issue of USD 100 million. Approximately half of this amount was utilised to settle part of the existing loans. This has brought the Group borrowing levels from Rs. 21 billion (31 December 2003) to Rs. 25 billion increasing the Group gearing to 45% (31 December 2004). Net increase in SLT borrowings was Rs. 1 billion and that in Mobitel was Rs. 3 billion.

The unutilised proceeds of the bond issue has been temporarily invested in short term foreign currency fixed deposits until it is utilised for Mobitel expansion.

Total settlements of borrowings by the Group during the year was Rs. 17 billion out of which Rs. 13 billion relates to SLT while Rs. 4 billion relates to Mobitel. The debt portion of the Group as at 31 December 2004 was 45% of total capital compared to 41% a year ago.

The low gearing of SLT has been effectively leveraged for the Group as a whole.

Performance Measurement
Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) of SLT (Group) for the year was Rs. 0.72 compared to Rs. 1.25 of the previous year. Return On Equity was 4.1% in 2004 based on the Group figures as at 31 December 2004. The comparative ratio for 2003 was 7%.

Since disclosure of the 2004 results in the Colombo Stock Exchange at end of February 2005 SLT share was trading between Rs. 16 and Rs. 17 per share.

Excellence in Reporting
SLT is committed to adopting the best practices in financial reporting in its relationship with investors and other users of financial statements. The Company also gives high priority to provide quarterly financial information in a timely manner. Relevant information is disseminated through the ‘Investor’ magazine published on a quarterly basis.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka adjudged the Annual Report of SLT for the financial year 2003 as the winner in the Services sector at its Annual Report Awards Competition. Further it was adjudged as the Runner-Up of Communication and IT Category at the SAARC Regional Competition. These are creditable achievements gained by the Company in the Corporate Financial world. The criteria of selection prove the Company’s high standards in ensuring transparency, good governance and compliance with statutory and best accounting practices.

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