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  Symbiosis and Success… Mobitel in 2008

Supporting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Initiatives

This is an area of enterprise which is particularly important and fulfilling to SLT, in that we are given the opportunity of being the network provider for a series of mega ICT projects run on a national scale. Here is a ‘snapshot’ of the projects and the progress made in each area for the year 2008.

Lanka Government Network (LGN)

LGN is a Government initiative to apply ICT across a gamut of public sector enterprise, which in interconnecting public administration systems, moves institutions closer towards an environment of e-government. It is a strategic project under the Re-engineering Government programme being run by the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA).

SLT’s IP-VPN solution connects Government offices to a unified network providing products such as voice, video, broadband Internet, networking and data hosting.

In terms of progress this year, the first phase of this project connected 325 Government offices from the Western, Central, Southern, Uva and Sabaragamuwa Provinces.


Under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, SchoolNet is an on-line educational system that seeks to promote efficiency and academic achievement in public schools across the country. It is a revolutionary tool aiding teacher, student, school administrator and parent alike to be more involved in the education process.

SLT’s IP-VPN solution hosts a unified network offering multiple services such as voice, video, broadband Internet, network and hosting services.

For the year under review, 75 schools were linked with SchoolNet, that escalated the total to 1,275 by end of 2008.

Nenasala Knowledge Centres

‘Nenasala’ means ‘global knowledge centre’. In this project SLT partners ICTA to provide communications Solutions Island-wide to a total of 125 Nenasala Centres by the end of 2008 and of which 30 Centres were new during the year under review.

The Nenasala concept is community-based and thus its centres are located in suitably central locations within villages. These centres provide services such as high speed Internet, e-mail, telephony, computer training programmes and serve as a conduit for other ICTA related facilities.

SLT shows its support to several key enterprises in different sectors by offering total communication solutions   In 2008, SchoolNet linked 75 public schools across Sri Lanka

The aim is to take ICT to the masses, beginning at grass roots level and fostering distance learning, e-learning and unveiling the benefits of the Internet to the rural community.

SLT services this project via its IP-VPN platform.

Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN)

This is another project which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Education.

LEARN links 13 Universities from around the country with the University Grants Commission. In operation, it facilitates e-learning, enhanced video conferencing and streaming whilst routing inter-University voice and offering broadband Internet access for students and academics.

Our provided solution includes IP-VPN and STM-1 linkages, enhanced this year through the successful deployment of IPv6, which we have described more fully in the preceding segment on the Internet.

National Online Distance Education Service (NODES)

NODES is the acronym for the National Online Distance Education Services, which is an initiative under the Ministry of Education’s Distance Education Modernisation Project (DEMP).

Its objective is to strengthen the distance learning infrastructure in the country to be able to support instructional courses leading to a variety of higher educational/university level Degree/Diploma qualifications.

SLT’s solution incorporates a WAN (Wide Area Network) operating on fibre optic based Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) on the Metro Ethernet. This system connects the multi-media centres of NODES across the country.
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