market share in data services |
SLT provides data circuits with
a capacity of between 64 kbps and 2 Mbps, and in multiples thereof.
The services provided include Domestic and International Private
Leased Circuits (IPLC), Frame Relay (FR) Circuits, Internet
Leased Lines (ILLs), Direct Inward Dialling (DID) and Direct
Outward Dialling (DOD) connections. Customers for these services
include mobile operators, data services operators, Internet
service providers, software developers, banks and other large
The Company continues to grow its Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
product offering to an ever increasing clientele from the business
sector who seek a modern solution to their need for an integrated
voice, data and video communications system.
Our IP-VPN services are offered on a Multi Protocol Label Switching
(MPLS) platform which is provided to customers anywhere in the
country with access beyond the MPLS system provided via leased
lines, frame relay or Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL).
For the future, we are looking to expand our IP backbone geographically
within Sri Lanka, whilst extending IP-VPN services globally
and enhancing the value added options it offers.
SLT-iDC - Our One-Stop ‘Data
SLT truly moved into its role as a total communications solution
provider, with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art Internet
Data Centre.
SLT-iDC is a unique answer to a growing need in the modern business
world. Companies the world over, whose core business does not
lie within the IT sphere, are becoming increasingly wary about
incurring additional investment in the technology,
staffing and facility upgrades they would require to maintain
their own in-house data facilities.
was a logical way to go, once we took care of the security aspect.
Ours is a classic facility, 80 square metres in extent, offering
data housing, hosting and management.
In terms of data housing, we offer rack space and bandwidth,
advanced physical security and uninterrupted power, network
port and availability.
Our dedicated hosting services provide servers on rent, dedicated
to customers, with their selected operating systems and web
or application server. We also offer speedy and easier corporate
business start-up.
The Centre offers a Shared Hosting Facility which involves a
provision on server for shared resource, creation of mail and
web servers, using the customer’s own domain name and
speedy start-up of SME and Government web sites.
Managed services include Advanced Management and Security Tools
for managed services, a selectable menu programme such as back
up, firewall security, monitoring and reporting and total customer
The Centre is housed in a state-of-the-art facility, within
SLT’s Head Office and features highly sophisticated structural,
management and security systems.